Scottish Utility firm using PolyformTM & Ecoseal on a Gas Holder

Project Overview

The leaking gas holder station posed a critical challenge, particularly with a compromised rising arm that exhibited both leaks and corrosion. The urgency to address this issue stemmed from the potential safety hazards associated with gas leaks and the structural integrity risks posed by corrosion. In response to this pressing situation, a comprehensive and strategic plan was implemented.

Firstly, a thorough assessment of the extent of the leaks and corrosion was conducted to gauge the severity of the situation. This involved employing advanced inspection techniques to identify weak points and vulnerable areas in the rising arm structure. The leaking points were carefully identified to develop a targeted plan for remediation.

The next step involved immediate containment measures to minimize the risk of gas dispersion. Emergency protocols were enacted, and temporary seals were applied to the leaking points to prevent further gas escape. Simultaneously, safety measures were implemented to protect personnel and the surrounding environment.

MW Polymers Solution

The cleaning process meticulously removed any debris or contaminants from the surface, ensuring a pristine foundation for the subsequent steps. To address the leaking area, our specialized medium pressure vent kit was employed, effectively channeling and managing any excess pressure. This innovative solution not only curtailed the leakage but also provided a controlled release of pressure, mitigating potential damage.

Following the successful venting, a layer of Polyform, a resilient and adaptive material, was expertly applied over the vent system. This step not only enhanced the durability of the structure but also added an extra layer of protection against potential future issues. The Polyform acted as a reliable barrier, fortifying the vented area and contributing to the overall structural integrity.

To culminate the process, a meticulous application of Ecoseal was executed to provide the final seal. Ecoseal, known for its superior sealing properties, formed a robust and impermeable barrier, effectively safeguarding the treated area from external elements. This comprehensive approach ensured a thorough and long-lasting solution, guaranteeing the structural soundness and resilience of the system. The combined use of the medium pressure vent kit, Polyform, and Ecoseal not only addressed the immediate concern but also fortified the entire structure against potential future challenges.


As a result of the meticulous cleaning process, the surface was transformed into an immaculate foundation, free from any debris or
contaminants. The specialised medium pressure vent kit successfully tackled the leaking area, not only putting an immediate stop to the leakage but also ensuring a controlled release of pressure. This intervention not only prevented further damage but also established a more secure operational environment.

The application of Polyform added a layer of resilience and adaptability to the vent system, significantly enhancing the overall durability of the structure. This not only addressed the immediate issue but also served as a proactive measure against potential future challenges, acting as a reliable barrier that fortified the vented area. The use of Polyform contributed substantially to the structural integrity of the entire system.

The final seal, executed with the meticulous application of Ecoseal, marked the culmination of the comprehensive solution. Ecoseal’s superior sealing properties created a robust and impermeable barrier, effectively shielding the treated area from external elements. This final step ensured not only an immediate resolution to the problem but also guaranteed the long-term structural soundness and resilience
of the entire system.

In essence, the combined utilization of the medium pressure vent kit, Polyform, and Ecoseal not only successfully addressed the immediate concerns of leakage and pressure management but also proactively fortified the entire structure against potential future challenges. The result was a system that not only met the immediate need for repair but also demonstrated an enhanced capacity to withstand and repel potential issues in the future.

Live Repair to leaking spindle